Who We Are?
Our Mission
The mission of the Santa Fe Human Rights Alliance (HRA) is to educate, engage, encourage, and celebrate LGBTQ+ inclusion, pride, and acceptance for all people.
The Human Rights Alliance was founded in 1993 in response to the defeat of Senate Bill 91, civil rights legislation for lesbians and gay men. Rallying around the enthusiasm of our grassroots crusade, local activists joined together to create this non-profit organization whose primary goal was to end discrimination of all kinds. HRA seeks to build coalitions with groups that will work for the civil rights of all New Mexicans and to develop outreach programming to support the community.
In addition to these goals, we organize the annual Santa Fe Pride Festival, held every year at the end of June. Pride Santa Fe is a wonderful event for all Santa Fe citizens to celebrate the unique, diverse, supportive, artistic community that is Santa Fe.
Our Outreach Initiatives and Programs
- The Annual PRIDE Santa Fe Celebration – the last weekend of June
- Youth PRIDE
- The Human Rights Alliance Endowed Education scholarship at the Santa Fe Community College
Our Current Goals
- Create a meaningful dialogue with the LGBTQ community of the Santa Fe area in order to respond to their needs
- Build a diverse community through communication, support, and outreach
- Respond to the LGBTQ needs of this diverse community through outreach and program support
- Provide a voice for human and civil rights legislation
- Build and nourish meaningful relationships with our allies
- Increase participation, as well as implement, monitor and evaluate HRA programs
Want to get more involved?
Please contact us directly. For more information, contact HRA Executive Director;
Kevin A. Bowen, Executive Director