Happy Hump Day,

It’s been quite a life-changing 10 days since the new Republican administration and the Republican party took power. The number of Executive Orders already coming out of this administration is staggering. Make no mistake, their intention is to sow fear, intimidation, and complete chaos throughout the country, especially to the trans community and other marginalized communities. This administration’s goal is to change the fabric of our country completely. It is apparent that they not only want to remake the United States in their image and likeness, but they also want to erase not only the ‘Queer’ community but also the true fabric of our country, through the whitewashing of facts and history, the deletion of all DEI programming, the vilifying of the most vulnerable and their many attempts at erasing the truth. 

We cannot and will not allow that to happen!

There is, however, some really good news.

The Human Rights Alliance has been blessed by the appearance of an angel donor who is just as determined as we are to prevent this from happening.

This donor has committed to not only being a major sponsor of PRIDE 2025 but also matching and likely exceeding the $300,000.00 we have already pledged to purchase a building for an LGBTQ+ Center for Santa Fe. In addition to all of this, they are also going to fund us for the next three years to rent a temporary space to make the Center an actual reality sooner rather than later. 

Both I and the Board of Directors are overwhelmed by our angel’s generosity and will do everything in our power to make this Center a reality as soon as possible.

However, we still need the support of the entire community in this process. Here’s how you can help:

Become a monthly donor by clicking here. Once on the the webpage, you can choose the amount of your donation and the frequency of donation. Having a steady flow of income as we open this Center to assist with the other additional expenses we will incur will help us continue our mission of providing services and a safe space as well as fund our monthly events in the community.

Once we identify the space, we will need help with clean-up, painting, moving, furnishing, etc. We will keep you posted once we find a place.

Donate furnishings, paint, supplies, etc. Again, as we get closer, we will keep you informed about what we will need.

Support PRIDE 2025 as a volunteer or sponsor.

Support our Drag Bingo month fundraising event.

Become a volunteer to help us staff our new Center once we open.

Are you a photographer or a videographer? Can you help our marketing team by volunteering your time and provide impactful photos and videos of events? If interested contact Jesse at jesses@hrasantafe.org

If you have another idea – please reach out. This will be a community team-building event for Santa Fe.

Want to know more? Join us at our Town Hall on Tuesday, February 4, 2025. Sign up here.

We will get through this together – our community has always persevered and WON throughout history.

In good health and Resilience!

Love and Light!

Kevin and the HRA Board