Annual Pride Sponsor Thank You Reception

Hotel St. Francis 210 Don Gaspar Ave, Santa Fe, NM, United States

Join us for our Annual Sponsor 'Thank You' Reception at the fabulous Gruet Wine Bar at the Hotel St. Francis in downtown Santa Fe. For more information contact: Kevin A. Bowen HRA President

Let’s Go Birding Together! (Albuquerque)

Audubon Southwest invite the Albuquerque LGBTQIA++ community to join us in celebrating not just the diversity of our birds in central New Mexico, but also our people. Let's Go Birding Together! is a birding walk intentionally welcoming of the LGBTQIA++ community and is designed to be a space where people can be themselves without fear of judgment. Let's Go Birding Together! bird walks build community and create diversity, reflecting the biodiversity in our ecosystems. Audubon Southwest staff member, Quantina Martine, will lead our walk around Tingley Beach as we will look for local birds and enjoy the fresh air. From experienced to beginners, birders of all skill level are welcome. Binoculars are available to borrow. The walk will be on dirt trails in the bosque with varying terrain. While we love dogs, we ask that you please leave your pets at home for this event. The group will meet at the southernmost pond at Tingely Beach before heading out onto the trails. Event limited to 20 people. First come, first served. REGISTER HERE:
