LGBTQIA+ Short Film Program at the Santa Fe Film Festival

JeanCocteauCinema 418 Montezuma Avenue, Santa Fe

Description of films: WONDER (Dir. Javier Molina) (16 mins.) (USA) An 11-year-old kid growing up in “the hood” secretly dreams of trick-or-treating as Wonder Woman for Halloween. Actor Gabriel Furman in attendance. ABOVE THE BRANCHES (Dir. Matt Kravitsky) (14 mins.) (USA) An adopted gay-male introvert aims to find his biological parents to feel a sense of belonging, but after taking a genealogy test he discovers he may not belong to the human race. DOWN DOG (Dir. Shae Xu) (9 mins.) (USA) In the two weeks they’ve known one another, yoga instructor Tammy hasn’t had a chance to talk to Marcus about her trans experience. BINGO QUEENS (Dir. Nicholas Finegan) (14 mins.) (U.K.) A trans bipoc ballet dancer on the brink of giving up on her career and a forgotten viral video star meet amid a transphobic attack and introduces each other to whole new worlds. QUEERING YOGA (Dir. Ewan Duarte) (45 mins.) (USA) Stories of personal transformation, decolonization, and healing are told through yoga in the Queer, Trans, and QTPOC communities. Director Ewan Duarte in attendance. Post-screening discussion to follow
