We are proud to announce that we have now officially set up a section of our web site dedicated to our community outreach historical initiative – The Shoulders We Stand On – Our Proud History.
An online, interactive timeline can be found here. We have listed the important developments in the LGBTQ+ community within this timeline and have featured just some of the New Mexicans who became part of our shared histories.
You can also download more detailed history timelines of New Mexico and the USA to create context and reference surrounding the history and the development of our state from 1870 – 2020.
While this is a good start, it is by no means complete. So we are currently looking for other people (and pieces) of our New Mexican and Santa Fe histories. If you have any information or documentation about someone (or some event) from the LGBTQIA+ community that was part of the Santa Fe and NM LGBTQIA history, please let us know and we will gladly collect and review the information for possible inclusion into our project!
If you know someone who is still part of this community and has a story to tell please let us know and we would love to take an oral history from them.
Please send all inquiries and information to Kevin Bowen – kevinb@hrasantafe.org