Good Day All,
We are putting out this special newsletter as a heads-up of sorts and as a point of reference regarding the importance of being informed and aware of the many negative forces working against the LGBTQIA2S+ community.
On a positive note, last week, The United Nations Human Rights Council made history by issuing its first-ever resolution supporting the rights of intersex people. Intersex people are individuals born with a reproductive or sexual anatomy that doesn’t fit the typical definitions of female or male. An estimated 1.7% of infants are born intersex — many are forced to undergo irreversible surgeries to “correct” their anatomy and are subject to stigma and discrimination.
This resolution was such a positive and bold step, if, in my opinion, a bit late to the table. Even with these positive steps happening, there are those who are working to stop the evolution of our human race by promoting falsehoods, outright lies and slander about our community.
One of these groups is ‘Don’t Mess With Our Kids.’ This anti-LGBTQIA and especially Trans women’s group is holding a nationwide rally this Saturday, April 13, at all US state capitols, and New Mexico is no exception. Yes, you read correctly; this group will be holding their rally outside the capital building from 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm. According to their online group discussions and posting, they will fast and pray for our children. And for their safety from our community.
One school of thought believes we should not give them power by recognizing and writing about them or even running a counter-protest of their activities.
However, I believe that knowledge is power, and our community should never be complacent in standing up for our rights and ourselves, especially the rights of the youngest in our community.
Perhaps you want to stop by and see ‘Who’ this group is. Perhaps you don’t. Whatever your unique approach to things of this nature, know that being informed and aware and exercising your right to vote is paramount to maintaining the safety that has been established in this state by those whose ‘Shoulders we Stand on’ and great organizations such as EQNM, Planned Parenthood, ACLU and The Human rights Alliance.