Warm Fall Greetings to all!
As most of you may know by now, Opuntia restaurant in the Railyard, our Drag Bingo host, closed more than two weeks ago. I wanted to take a moment to address our sincerest thanks to Opuntia’s owner, Todd Spitzer, for being a true ally and friend to not only the HRA but the entire community in Santa Fe. The fabulous staff of Opuntia and Todd ALWAYS made us feel welcome and safe. We are so grateful for their generosity in allowing us to host Drag Bingo there for over a year! I also want to reflect on the sadness Opuntia’s closing brought up for not only myself but so many in the community. Watching restaurant after restaurant close in our city is heartbreaking.
The pandemic wreaked havoc on the restaurant industry. Now, the ever-changing demographic of our city and rising rents on apartments and retail, commercial, and restaurant spaces may continue to wreak havoc on small businesses. Let’s hope we don’t see more closings.
We are thrilled to announce that our friends and allies at Tumbleroot have agreed to host Drag Bingo so we will not miss a beat. We are moving things to Wednesday evenings, and our next Bingo is scheduled for October 18 at 7:00 pm. Come on down and join us. Enjoy the wonderful offerings of Tumbleroot and the food truck that evening, Mas Chile – yum yum!
Next week, join us at the newly spruced-up Vanessie for After 5 – on Thursday, Oct.12. This event is free and open to all!